Secologanin Tryptamine Alkaloids

Secologanin Tryptamine Alkaloids
Accession Number

Alkaloids from Rauwolfia serpentina Benth and other species. The prototype is RESERPINE, which is a depleter of catecholamines and serotonin from the sympathetic postganglionic fibers and brain areas. They have been used in hypertension and psychoses despite their wide range of potentially adverse effects.

ATC Classification
DrugDrug Description
ReserpineFor the treatment of hypertension
BietaserpineNot Annotated
DeserpidineAn alkaloid that has been used to manage hypertension.
RescinnamineFor the treatment of hypertension.
YohimbineAn alpha-2-adrenergic blocker and sympatholytic found in supplements used to.
AjmalineAn antiarrhythmic used to manage a variety of forms of tachycardias.
MethoserpidineNot Annotated
Rauwolfia serpentina rootRauwolfia alkaloids are indicated in the treatment of hypertension . Rauwolfia alkaloids have been used for relief of symptoms in agitated psychotic states such as schizophrenia; however, use as antipsychotics...
StrychnineNot Annotated
VindesineA vinca alkaloid derived from vinblastine used for various types of malignancies, but mainly acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL).
VinorelbineA vinca alkaloid used in the treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSLC) and in conjunction with other drugs in locally advanced NSCLC.
VincristineA vinca alkaloid used to treat acute leukemia, malignant lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, acute erythraemia, and acute panmyelosis.
VinblastineA vinca alkaloid used to treat breast cancer, testicular cancer, neuroblastoma, Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkins lymphoma, mycosis fungoides, histiocytosis, and Kaposi's sarcoma.
AlmitrineFor the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
DeacetoxyvinzolidineNot Available
VoacamineFor the treatment of malaria. Also under investigation for the modulation of multidrug resistance in cancer cells.
VintafolideInvestigated for use/treatment in solid tumors.
VinflunineA vinca alkaloid used to treat advanced or metastatic transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelial tract after a platinum containing treatment has failed.
VinpocetineA synthetic derivative of a vinca alkaloid used to treat neurological symptoms of cerebrovascular disease.
VincamineVincamine is a monoterpenoid indole alkaloid obtained from the leaves of Vinca minor with a vasodilatory property. Studies indicate that vincamine increases the regional cerebral blood flow.
PrajmalineNot Annotated
LorajmineNot Annotated
VinburnineNot Annotated
18-methoxycoronaridine18-methoxycoronaridine is under investigation in clinical trial NCT03084952 (Phase 2 Trial to Evaluate 18-Methoxycoronaridine Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Patients).
EllipticineEllipticine is a potent antineoplastic agent.
Drugs & Drug Targets
ReserpineSynaptic vesicular amine transportertarget
ReserpineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
ReserpineSolute carrier family 22 member 1transporter
ReserpineBile salt export pumptransporter
ReserpineCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
ReserpineSolute carrier family 22 member 2transporter
ReserpineCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
ReserpineChromaffin granule amine transportertarget
ReserpineBaculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 5target
ReserpineSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
ReserpineSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1transporter
DeserpidineSynaptic vesicular amine transportertarget
RescinnamineAngiotensin-converting enzymetarget
YohimbineAlpha-2A adrenergic receptortarget
YohimbineAlpha-2B adrenergic receptortarget
YohimbineAlpha-2C adrenergic receptortarget
Yohimbine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
Yohimbine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Btarget
Yohimbine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Dtarget
YohimbineDopamine D2 receptortarget
YohimbineDopamine D3 receptortarget
Yohimbine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
Yohimbine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Ctarget
YohimbineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
YohimbineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
YohimbineATP-sensitive potassium channeltarget
Yohimbine5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Btarget
AjmalineAlpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1carrier
AjmalineSodium channel protein type 5 subunit alphatarget
Rauwolfia serpentina rootSynaptic vesicular amine transportertarget
Rauwolfia serpentina rootMonoamine oxidaseenzyme
Rauwolfia serpentina rootSodium-dependent noradrenaline transportertransporter
Rauwolfia serpentina rootSynaptic vesicular amine transportertransporter
VindesineTubulin beta-1 chaintarget
VindesineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
VinorelbineTubulin beta chaintarget
VinorelbineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
VinorelbineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
VincristineTubulin beta chaintarget
VincristineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
VincristineCytochrome P450 3A5enzyme
VincristineCytochrome P450 3A7enzyme
VincristineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
VincristineCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 2transporter
VincristineSolute carrier family 22 member 3transporter
VincristineMultidrug resistance-associated protein 1transporter
VincristineMultidrug resistance-associated protein 7transporter
VincristineCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
VincristineBile salt export pumptransporter
VincristineATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2transporter
VincristineTubulin alpha-4A chaintarget
VincristineRalA-binding protein 1transporter
VincristineSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
VincristineSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3transporter
VinblastineTubulin beta chaintarget
VinblastineTranscription factor AP-1target
VinblastineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
VinblastineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
VinblastineMultidrug resistance-associated protein 1transporter
VinblastineCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1transporter
VinblastineMultidrug resistance-associated protein 6transporter
VinblastineBile salt export pumptransporter
VinblastineTubulin alpha-1A chaintarget
VinblastineTubulin delta chaintarget
VinblastineTubulin epsilon chaintarget
VinblastineTubulin gamma-1 chaintarget
VinblastineCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme
VinblastineSolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1transporter
AlmitrineSodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1target
VoacamineP-glycoprotein 1target
VoacamineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
VintafolideFolate receptor betatarget
VintafolideFolate receptor gammatarget
VintafolideFolate receptor alphatarget
VinflunineATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 5transporter
VinflunineP-glycoprotein 1transporter
VinflunineSerum albumincarrier
Vinfluninealpha1-acid glycoproteincarrier
VinflunineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
VinflunineTubulin beta chaintarget
VinpocetineCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme