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Displaying all 2 drugs
A reverse transcriptase inhibitor and zalcitabine analog in which a sulfur atom replaces the 3' carbon of the pentose ring. It is used to treat Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) and hepatitis B (HBV).
Matched Mixtures name: … Combivir ... Combivir ... Combivir
Matched Products: … Combivir
A dideoxynucleoside compound in which the 3'-hydroxy group on the sugar moiety has been replaced by an azido group. This modification prevents the formation of phosphodiester linkages which are needed for the completion of nucleic acid chains. The compound is a potent inhibitor of HIV replication, acting as a chain-terminator...
Matched Mixtures name: … Combivir ... Combivir ... Combivir
Displaying all 2 drugs