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Displaying all 2 drugs
A meperidine congener used as an antidiarrheal, usually in combination with atropine. At high doses, it acts like morphine. Its unesterified metabolite difenoxin has similar properties and is used similarly. It has little or no analgesic activity. This medication is classified as a Schedule V under the Controlled Substances Act...
Matched Description: … It has little or no analgesic activity. …
Atropine is an alkaloid originally synthesized from Atropa belladonna. It is a racemic mixture of d-and l-hyoscyamine, of which only l-hyoscyamine is pharmacologically active.[A251670,L42835] Atropine is generally available as a sulfate salt and can be administered by intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intraosseous, endotracheal and ophthalmic methods. Oral atropine is only available...
Vet approved
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