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Displaying all 2 drugs
Estradiol is a naturally occurring hormone circulating endogenously in females. It is commercially available in several hormone therapy products for managing conditions associated with reduced estrogen, such as vulvovaginal atrophy and hot flashes. Some available forms of estradiol include oral tablets, injections, vaginal rings, transdermal patches, sprays, gels, and creams.[L11485,L11488,L11491,...
Vet approved
Matched Description: … [L11485,L11488,L11491, L11494,L11497,L11500,L11503] When used for oral or IM administration, estradiol …
Testosterone is a steroid sex hormone indicated to treat primary hypogonadism and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.[L8983,L8935,L8938,L8986,L8989,L8992,L8995] Testosterone antagonizes the androgen receptor to induce gene expression that causes the growth and development of masculine sex organs and secondary sexual characteristics.[A187114,L8983,L8935,L8938,L8986,L8989,L8992,L8995] Testosterone was isolated from samples and also synthesized in 1935.
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