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Strong alkaline chemicals that destroy soft body tissues resulting in a deep, penetrating type of burn, in contrast to corrosives, that result in a more superficial type of damage via chemical means or inflammation. Caustics are usually hydroxides of light metals. SODIUM HYDROXIDE and potassium hydroxide are the most widely used caustic agents in industry. Medically, they have been used externally to remove diseased or dead tissues and destroy warts and small tumors. The accidental ingestion of products (household and industrial) containing caustic ingredients results in thousands of injuries per year.

DrugDrug Description
PodophyllinA cytotoxic agent used for the removal of soft genital (venereal) warts (condylomata acuminata).
Sodium hydroxideUsed to destroy or kill the nail matrix (matrixectomies) .
TrichloroacetateTrichloroacetate, or trichloroacetic acid, is a strong acid prepared by the reaction of chlorine with acetic acid in the presence of a suitable catalyst. In clinical chemistry and biochemistry, it...
DichromateNot Annotated
Ferric chlorideNot Annotated
Drugs & Drug Targets