Watersoluble, Nephrotropic, High Osmolar X-Ray Contrast Media

Watersoluble, Nephrotropic, High Osmolar X-Ray Contrast Media
Accession Number

Not Available

ATC Classification
DrugDrug Description
DiatrizoateAn injected contrast agent used in radiology.
IodamideIodamide is a contrast medium molecule that is no longer marketed in the United States.
Iothalamic acidA diagnostic contrast agent used in various medical imaging procedures, such as angiography, arthrography, and computed tomographic scans.
Metrizoic acidFor use as a contrast medium .
Acetrizoic acidAcetrizoic acid indication was to be used as a contrast agent for X-ray. Some information indicates its nephrotropic property as one of the characteristics for the utilization of acetrizoic acid....
MethiodalNot Annotated
Ioxitalamic acidA contrast agent used for CT scans of the abdomen and pelvis.
DiodoneNot Annotated
Ioglicic acidNot Annotated
Iocarmic acidNot Annotated
Drugs & Drug Targets
Acetrizoic acidSerum albumincarrier