Lysergic Acid

Lysergic Acid
Accession Number

Cyclic compounds that include atoms other than carbon in their ring structure.

DrugDrug Description
MethysergideAn ergot alkaloid used for the prophylaxis of migraine and cluster headaches.
Lysergic acid diethylamideDebate continues over the nature and causes of chronic flashbacks. Explanations in terms of LSD physically remaining in the body for months or years after consumption have been discounted by...
Drugs & Drug Targets
Methysergide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Atarget
Methysergide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
Methysergide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7target
Methysergide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Ctarget
Methysergide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Btarget
Methysergide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Btarget
Methysergide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Ftarget
Methysergide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Etarget
MethysergideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Lysergic acid diethylamide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1Atarget
Lysergic acid diethylamide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2Btarget
Lysergic acid diethylamide5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 6target
Lysergic acid diethylamideCytochrome P450 3A4enzyme
Lysergic acid diethylamideCytochrome P450 2D6enzyme