
Also known as: Laryngeal inflammation / Laryngitis NOS / Laryngitis (disorder)

DrugDrug NameDrug Description
DB13908AmylmetacresolAn antiseptic used to treat infections in the mouth and throat.
DB01086BenzocaineA topical local anesthetic used for the temporary relief of pain and itching associated with minor burns, sunburn, scrapes and insect bites or minor skin irritations.
DB09084BenzydamineA locally-acting NSAID indicated for the symptomatic relief of pain in acute sore throat and for the symptomatic relief of oropharyngeal mucositis caused by radiation therapy.
DB00874GuaifenesinAn expectorant commonly found in OTC products for the symptomatic relief from congested chests and coughs associated with cold, bronchitis, and/or other breathing illnesses.
DB09285MorniflumateAn NSAID derived from niflumic acid used in the symptomatic treatment of inflammatory conditions of the airways, ENT, and the urogenital and osteoarticular systems.
DB13216OxolamineA medication indicated in the treatment of a cough or upper respiratory tract inflammation.
DB00397PhenylpropanolamineA sympathomimetic that was previously used in nasal decongestants and weight loss products, but has been withdrawn by the FDA due to safety risks and lack of efficacy.
DB16362Silver proteinateA nasal decongestant and antiseptic of the nasal and ear canals.
DB15956TerpineolAn ingredient in products that are adjunct in the treatment of upper respiratory tract congestion.
DB13910Valproate bismuthA medication used to treat laryngitis.
DB13714XibornolA lipophilic antiseptic indicated as an adjunct in the treatment of susceptible oral infections.
DrugDrug NamePhaseStatusCount
DB01129RabeprazoleNot AvailableCompleted1