Dequalinium bromideProduct ingredient for Dequalinium

Dequalinium bromide
Drug Entry

Dequalinium is an antibacterial agent with multi-targeted actions. It also possesses antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral, anticancer, and neuroprotective properties.9 It is a quaternary ammonium compound,10 as it consists of an amphipathic cation with two aminoquinaldinium rings at both ends of a long hydrophobic hydrocarbon chain. Due to its flexible structure, dequalinium was investigated to build drug and gene delivery systems.9

First used as an antiseptic and disinfectant in the 1950s, dequalinium is still found in various OTC products to treat conditions of oral infections and inflammation.9 It is also used in vaginal tablets to treat bacterial vaginosis.10

Accession Number
Not Available
Not Available
CAS Number
Not Available
Not Available
Predicted Properties
Not Available