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Displaying all 2 drugs
Fluocinolone acetonide, with the formula 6-alpha, 9-alpha-difluoro-16-alpha, 17 alpha-acetonide, is a corticosteroid that presents a high lipophilicity. It has been used extensively in dermatological preparations and it has also been investigated thoroughly for its use in implantable corticosteroid devices. This type of device containing fluocinolone acetonide was developed by Taro...
Vet approved
A highly polar organic liquid, that is used widely as a chemical solvent. Because of its ability to penetrate biological membranes, it is used as a vehicle for topical application of pharmaceuticals. It is also used to protect tissue during cryopreservation. Dimethyl sulfoxide shows a range of pharmacological activity including...
Vet approved
Matched Categories: … Compounds used in a research, industrial, or household setting …
Displaying all 2 drugs