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Displaying all 2 drugs
Ever since its discovery and availability for sale and use in the late 1940s, lidocaine has become an exceptionally commonly used medication . In particular, lidocaine's principal mode of action in acting as a local anesthetic that numbs the sensations of tissues means the agent is indicated for facilitating local...
Vet approved
Matched Description: … In doing so, however, it can block or decrease muscle contractile, resulting in effects like vasodilation ... Nevertheless, lidocaine's local anesthetic action sees its use in many medical situations or circumstances …
A histamine congener, it competitively inhibits histamine binding to histamine H2 receptors. Cimetidine has a range of pharmacological actions. It inhibits gastric acid secretion, as well as pepsin and gastrins output. It also blocks the activity of cytochrome P-450 which might explain proposals for use in neoadjuvant therapy.
Displaying all 2 drugs