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Displaying categories 101 - 125 of 3634 in total
CategoryDescription# of Drugs# of Targets
Agents Acting on the Renin-Angiotensin SystemNot Available47156Details
Agents Against Leishmaniasis and TrypanosomiasisNot Available1241Details
Agents causing angioedemaMedications known to cause angioedema, a swelling occurring in the lower layer of skin ...  more67320Details
Agents causing hyperkalemiaDrugs that produce elevated potassium serum concentration as part of its side effects3021663Details
Agents Causing Muscle ToxicityAgents that cause muscle disorders including significant elevations of serum creatine k...  more1011090Details
Agents for Dermatitis, Excluding CorticosteroidsNot Available954Details
Agents for Treatment of Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissures for Topical UseNot Available28660Details
Agents producing tachycardiaNot Available2581866Details
Agents reducing cytokine levelsNot Available1636Details
Agents that produce hypertensionIn here are all the drugs that produce high blood pressure as a side effect or as the m...  more3882611Details
Agents that produce neuromuscular block (indirect)In this category, it is included all agents that induce neuromuscular block as a second...  more71286Details
Agents that reduce seizure thresholdNot Available1191104Details
Agents to Treat Airway DiseaseNot Available33213Details
Agents used to treat hypothyroidismAgents used to treat hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid gland.678Details
AgrochemicalsChemicals used in agriculture. These include pesticides, fumigants, fertilizers, plant ...  more6599Details
AlanineA non-essential amino acid that occurs in high levels in its free state in plasma. It i...  more1123Details
AlbuminsWater-soluble proteins found in egg whites, blood, lymph, and other tissues and fluids....  more1021Details
Alcohol Dehydrogenase, antagonists & inhibitorsNot Available57Details
Alcohol DeterrentsSubstances interfering with the metabolism of ethyl alcohol, causing unpleasant side ef...  more517Details
Alcohol OxidoreductasesA subclass of enzymes which includes all dehydrogenases acting on primary and secondary...  more10Details
AlcoholsAlkyl compounds containing a hydroxyl group. They are classified according to relation ...  more328820Details
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, antagonists & inhibitorsNot Available145Details
Aldehyde OxidoreductasesOxidoreductases that are specific for ALDEHYDES.10Details
Aldehyde Reductase, antagonists & inhibitorsNot Available912Details
AldehydesOrganic compounds containing a carbonyl group in the form -CHO.1411Details
Displaying categories 101 - 125 of 3634 in total